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Erasmus+ Mobility 2020/2021

Preparing the Erasmus+ Mobility for the Academic Year 2020/2021

In July 2020, the NEO Israel held a short virtual Q & A session with the National Agency of the Netherlands and the National Agency of Austria Here the main recommendations, links and documents:


Student Mobility 2020/2021


During the preparation for the upcoming academic year, we see that many Universities take different approaches regarding their mobility offers for international students.

Search for a University to see the Erasmus+ and Swiss-European Mobility Programme mobility status for the first semester of 2020/2021


Blended Erasmus+ Mobility:

The European Commission is applying the maximum flexibility to implement ICM and has published the following recommendations: when possible, HEIs should encourage a blended mobility approach, i.e. to start with a period of virtual mobility abroad, to be combined with a physical mobility abroad with a minimum duration as set in the 2020 Programme Guide.

Recommendations on blended virtual mobilites for the academic year 2020/2021:

• Both periods (virtual and physical) count towards recognition of learning outcomes.

• During the “virtual period” the participant does not receive a grant (Individual support) but the beneficiary organisation receives the normal rate of Organisation support per participant. Once the physical mobility period starts, the participant is entitled to get the regular grant for the period abroad.

However, the implementation is different from institution to institution and needs to be confirmed case by case. Therefore, we advise you to maintain regular contact with your partner institution and/or the National Agencies of each county.

Travel restrictions for non-EU citizens / Visa issues

Currently (August 2020) Israel is considered a “orange” country” according to EU travel restrictions during the COVID- 19 pandemic. This puts severe travel restrictions on Israeli citizens. For example, entering Austria from Israel currently requires:

• Entering from another Schengen country (no direct entry from Israel or other third countries possible). That said, there are exceptions for holders of so called „Visa D“ (enabling the person to spend between 90 and 180 days in Austria).

• Holding a COVID-Certificate not older than 4 days

• Undergoing a mandatory 10 days quarantine

For official information persons planning to enter Austria should always be referred to the Austrian Embassy in Tel Aviv:


Budgetary issues:

If duly justified and documented, beneficiaries can cover costs related to buying and/or renting of equipment and/or services necessary for the implementation of virtual and blended mobility activities, even if no funds were initially allocated to the Exceptional costs budget category.

If duly justified and documented by the beneficiary, NAs may also consider eligible any special needs support claimed in order to allow the participation of participants with special needs in virtual activities, under the same rules as specified in the Programme Guide

Israeli HEIs should contact their EU partners to discuss the implementation plan for ICM and the budget allocated.

Health insurance issues:

So far, not changes to the regular protocols and health insurance offers. However, please note that in most cases, repatriation is not part of the regular health insurance.


Presentation from the NA Austria

Presentation from the NA Netherlands