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Challenges of the Hour


This local HERE event was organized by Prof. Vered Holzmann, a Higher Education Reform Expert, coordinator of the Erasmus+ IFI project and Director of Research, Development & Innovation at The Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo (MTA) with the help of the International Relation Office (IRO) at MTA.


The event was designed as a collaborative discussion to deliberate, share knowledge and best practices. The speakers focused on Erasmus Overarching goals and gave their input on how to implement and translate their relevance to Israeli national needs in the framework of Erasmus. After opening remarks outlining the current reality of international relations in HEIs, the event was kicked off with a circle of introductions and open discussion on the challenges of the hour encountered by the staff members of IROs from diverse HEIs including universities, colleges of all sizes and HEIs from social and geographical peripheries.


Next, three professionals presented their work in the field of international relations. The first was the NEO’s very own coordinator, Ms. Einav Livne Schwartz, who presented the NEO’s work promoting E+ in Israel and shared tips and strategies based on statistics and identified patterns relating applications and awarded grants to the SMED region as a whole and to Israel in particular, such as the yet to be fulfilled potential of regional cooperation and in the field of VET.


Following Ms. Livne Schwartz, Ms. Dora Maria Cornelia Longoni, Head of International Relations Division, University of Padua, Italy, and Mr. Radek Stanczewski, International Projects Coordinator, SWPS Poland spoke. They each presented the unique HEI landscape in their respective states as it relates to geo-political and wider EUC policies. Diving in deeper, they each discussed the challenges facing the HEI systems in their countries and the specific challenges of their institution as regards to internationalization. These insightful presentations led to a lively discussion on the adaptation of the strategies and best practices implemented and showcased by the speakers.



From left to right: Dora Maria Cornelia Longoni, Vered Holzmann, Einav Livne Schwartz


The full agenda:

CHALLENGES OF THE HOUR: International Office Role in HEIs in Israel

The conference will address the challenges in HEIs and will provide a space to explore solutions and gain insights into ways HEIs are coping with this new reality

Wednesday | 26.07.2023

09:00-09:30 Reception
09:30-10:00 Light Breakfast
10:00-10:15 Opening Remarks | The Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo
                     Prof. Vered Holzmann, Director of Research, Development & Innovation
10:15-11:30 Panel with International Office Managers (part I)
11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
12:00-12:30 Einav Livne Schwartz, NEO Israel Coordinator (click here for the presentation)
12:30-13:00 Dora Maria Cornelia Longoni, Head of International Relations Division, University of Padua, Italy
13:00-13:30 Radek Stanczewski, International Projects Coordinator, SWPS Poland
13:30-14:00 Lunch & Networking
14:00-15:00 Panel with International Office Managers (part II)
15:00-15:15 Closing Remarks | The Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo
                   Roni Shefner, Manager, International Office, MTA and Deena Mesika, Program Coordinator, International Office, MTA