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International Credit Mobility


International Credit Mobility (ICM) supports the mobility of individuals enrolled or employed at a higher education institution (HEI), from a Programme Country to a Partner Country or vice versa.



New feature in ICM: blended mobility!

This novalty allows both students and staff mobility to happen via both virtual and physical mobility, enabling enjoy the expereince fully. Read more about it in the new Erasmus+ programme guide



Manifold benefits for individuals and institutions:

Key skills & competences, professional development, enhanced employability, teaching methods, etc

Increased capacities, attractiveness & internationalisation; improved quality of higher education


Before you apply 

International Credit Mobility is based on bilateral agreements between an Israeli and a Programme Country Higher Education Institution. The application follows the Erasmus+ Yearly call for proposal and can include the following activities:

Student mobility for studies (all degree levels)
The mobility period can last from 2 months (or one academic term or trimester) to 12 months.

Blended mobility-Physical mobility of 5-30 days + virtual component. 

Student mobility for traineeships (all degree levels)
The mobility period can last from 2 to 12 months.
Staff mobility for teaching for academic staff and for invited staff from non-academic organisations to teach at a partner higher education institution (HEI) abroad. 
The mobility period can last from 5 days to 2 months.
Staff mobility for training for teaching and non-teaching staff in the form of training events abroad.
The mobility period can last from 5 days to 2 months.
The grant foresees
a) a contribution to the travel costs;
b) a monthly scholarship for students and a per diem lump sum for staff and
c)  an organisational support (OS) contribution of €350 per participant to cover costs directly linked to the implementation of mobility activities, such as the selection of participants, linguistic preparation, visa and insurance costs
Apply for funding
Programme-Country institutions make up bilateral partnerships with universities from South Mediterranean countries and apply on behalf of their partners.  The Programme Country HEI will fill in the application form on behalf of its partner(s) and submit the form to its National Agency.
Application form
The Programme Country institution can only submit one application for ICM per Call for Proposals, which should contain information on all the mobility activities they intend to carry out with their partner(s) in one or more Partner Countries.
Proposals need to address the following Award Criteria:
  • Relevance of the strategy
  • Quality of the cooperation agreements
  • Quality of the activity design and implementation
  • Impact and dissemination


Useful Links


Want to learn more about how to run a successful ICM programme?

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