On February 4th, 2021, we had a coincides workshop about the new Erasmus Mundus program about to be published soon. We had three parts in it:
• In the first part, we had CHE representatives explained the special status of a joint degree according to the CHE policy
• In the second part EACEA project manager of the EMJMD team, Dagmar Hopke, presented the plan for the EMJMD
• In the third and last part, we heard about 3 study cases of EMJMD throughout Europe
09:30 – Opening Remarks
09:35 - Academic Guidelines for Joint Programs between Israeli and Foreign Higher Education Institutions (for the PDF click here - in hebrew)
Marissa Gross-Yarm, CHE
Yair Harel, CHE
10:00 -EMJM & EMDM 2021: Application and Preparation
(Dagmar Höpcke, Project Adviser, EACEA (for the PDF click here
10:30 – Break
10:35 - Case Studies Practices:
• Dr. Marta Arzarello, Università degli Studi di Ferrara, EMJM coordinator - International Master in Quaternary and Prehistory MasterInternational en Quaternaire et Préhistoire (for the PDF click here)
• Prof. Jussi Kivistö, Tampere University, EMJM partner, MaRIHE– Master in research and innovation in higher education (for the PDF click here)
• Prof. David Flacher, University of Technology of Compiègne, director of EPOG+ Economic POlicies for the Global transition - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (for the PDF click here)
11:45 – Closing
Part 1 (IN HEBREW): CHE Joint Degrees Policy
Part 2: EMJM 2021 - the new program - Dagmar Hopcke from EACAE
Part 3: EMJM case studies