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Roadmap to Internationalization

Why a Roadmap to the Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions?


(Click on the map to enlarge and access the different links)



Internationalizing your institution is a multi-layered process with different subjects to consider. Figuratively speaking, it’s a winding path with different directions, turnoffs and stations and therefore we would like to equip you with a map, a compass and some guidance. This digital road map will assist your orientation and will serve as a repository for general information, documents and examples.



The knowhow, expertise and experience of other institutions, both national and international, and the outputs developed through EU funded projects are only a few mouse clicks away. But where should you start in this sea of information? This map includes important, relevant documents and case studies for internationalizing your institution. Click on the guideposts and learn more about the different subjects.

Erasmus+ is built on a network of Erasmus+ coordinators in Israeli and European HEIs, offices and agencies in Europe and a pool of experts in the field of international academic cooperation. We strive to make the best use of this international community of professional colleagues to learn and improve internationalization in Higher Education in Israel.

Just as internationalization is constantly developing and changing, so willl this map. We will be happy to include your project outputs and knowledge into the repository. Send your materials to: Subject: "Contribution to Road Map for Internationalization".