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Sharing European Educational Experience in Public Health for Israel (SEEEPHI)





Sharing European Educational Experience in Public Health for Israel (SEEEPHI) is a Capacity Building in Higher Education project funded through ERASMUS+, which transfers knowledge and best practices from European Union Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to countries and HEIs outside the EU. The project begins in January 2021 and runs for three years involving ASPHER as the coordinating organization and a consortium of ASPHER Member schools (four EU HEIs[*] and four Israeli HEIs[†]) and the Israeli Association of Public Health Physicians.


Project Aims and Objectives:

Enhancement of the public health workforce (PHW) in Israel through sharing European educational experience, including:

1. Harmonization 
2. Employability

3. Leadership
4. Outreach 


Israeli Partners:

Ashkelon Academic College

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

University of Haifa

Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Israeli Association of Public Health Physicians (IAPHP)


EU Member States and Associate Counteis Partners:
The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) - Coordinator

University College Cork, Ireland

Jagiellonian University, Poland

Maastricht University, Netherlands

Swedish Red Cross University College, Sweden


For more information visit the project's website.