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Conference on providing skills to increase employability of humanities and social sciences graduates

Providing skills to increase employability of humanities and social sciences graduates

Was  organised by the Israeli Higher Education Experts Team

at Van Leen institute, December 18th 2017


During the workshop the following topics were presented and dicussed:

Improving teaching quality: methodological change and development of  competences in the Spanish university system" Dr. Lidia  Daza Pérez

Survey on Employment Outcomes of Graduates from Catalan universities: the case of Humanities and Social Sciences  graduates“ Dr. Lidia Daza Pérez

"I–pro" skills in a dynamic labor market - Ms. Shelly Sussman Director of Learning and  development at JDC-Tevet


Main panel: “Being practical: studying your passion" Panel Moderated by Mr. Ehud Or Vice Director-General for Strategic Planning and Marketing  at Tel Aviv University and
                           member of Erasmus+ HERE team:


Prof. Dror Wahrman Dean of Humanities, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dalia Narkis - Managing Director East Mediterranean Countries, Manpower group -presented the workforce perspective
Dr. Daza Pérez, University of Barcelona
Ms. Maayan Hagage – Coordinator of academic policy, NUIS